
Shaareable Apps started in early 2024 when its founder decided to solve a problem that many folks getting into their fifties and later have. The problem of cognitive decline is real, and it affects the quality of life of our loved ones, and eventually, our own as well.

Antoine Dubuc | Founder
Alharith Haroon | Engineering
Peter Rocush | Growth

Antoine has worked for large and small companies, and has been in Fintec and software in general for the last twenty years. He is twice certified in AI/ML and has extensive experience building AI/ML systems in both AWS & GCP.

Alharith is a young and bright graduate from <insert university> who specializes in Flutter apps and Langchain technology.

Peter is a veteran in Growth, Marketing and Sales for more than twenty years and has a trackrecord of bringing to fruition what others thought rather impossible.

How it started